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* Neutron Flux in US Coils
** US coil study: copper wrapped in G10 is the basic geometry
** The neutron dose estimation obtained (see the summary table in the slides)
* Particle Flux on US Scanner Motors
** Rate and energy deposit at the scanner motor areas
** Before and after the lead brick shielding
** Mark Pitt will calculate the upper limit for rate and flux of events reaching the main detector from the scanner motor
=ZoomGov Meeting Information=
=ZoomGov Meeting Information=

Revision as of 14:30, 23 May 2022

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  1. Neutron Flux in US Coils docDB898
  2. Particle Flux on US Scanner Motors docDB899



  • Neutron Flux in US Coils
    • US coil study: copper wrapped in G10 is the basic geometry
    • The neutron dose estimation obtained (see the summary table in the slides)
  • Particle Flux on US Scanner Motors
    • Rate and energy deposit at the scanner motor areas
    • Before and after the lead brick shielding
    • Mark Pitt will calculate the upper limit for rate and flux of events reaching the main detector from the scanner motor

ZoomGov Meeting Information

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