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* Wanted to make sure geometry in G4 has the correct materials for Bellows and pipes connecting bellows: Sakib
* Lintel position update by Prakash
** Compared background with and without the lintels
** Current lintels will be tweaked radially to optimize the signal sculpting.
* Quartz tile implementation and checking with secondary electrons to better understand tracks that goes in-between tiles
=ZoomGov Meeting Information=
=ZoomGov Meeting Information=

Latest revision as of 00:51, 3 March 2023

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  1. Lintel update docDB:1024 Prakash
  2. The simulation results with the secondary electrons for the quartz tile implementation docDB1023: Zuhal



  • Wanted to make sure geometry in G4 has the correct materials for Bellows and pipes connecting bellows: Sakib
  • Lintel position update by Prakash
    • Compared background with and without the lintels
    • Current lintels will be tweaked radially to optimize the signal sculpting.
  • Quartz tile implementation and checking with secondary electrons to better understand tracks that goes in-between tiles

ZoomGov Meeting Information

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