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# (Vassu) Moved the sieve hole "71" to a much smaller radius. Can clearly see difference between the location of tracks from that hole at the GEMs between the nominal B field and the "worst" case field map. Unexpectedly, the shift was in the phi location, not the radial location of the hole's image (unlike the case when the hole was at the original larger radius). The shift is about 2 degrees, or shift in the azimuthal position of a whopping 32 mm. This is even bigger than the 5 to 8 mm radial shifts seen for other holes. This may be a very good diagnostic (i.e. azimuthally offset holes at small radius). Adjusted the nomenclature as well to match the spectrometer sector numbering - the "71" hole is in sector 1.
=Meeting link information=
=Meeting link information=

Revision as of 20:56, 22 March 2023

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Andrew, David, Tyler, Sayak, Ciprian, Zuhal, Bill, Paul S.


  1. (Vassu) Moved the sieve hole "71" to a much smaller radius. Can clearly see difference between the location of tracks from that hole at the GEMs between the nominal B field and the "worst" case field map. Unexpectedly, the shift was in the phi location, not the radial location of the hole's image (unlike the case when the hole was at the original larger radius). The shift is about 2 degrees, or shift in the azimuthal position of a whopping 32 mm. This is even bigger than the 5 to 8 mm radial shifts seen for other holes. This may be a very good diagnostic (i.e. azimuthally offset holes at small radius). Adjusted the nomenclature as well to match the spectrometer sector numbering - the "71" hole is in sector 1.

Meeting link information

Meeting URL


Meeting ID: 972 5975 5403

Passcode: 4937

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