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Latest revision as of 01:39, 31 January 2022

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  1. Updated shielding design docDB857
  2. Comparison of the particle rate distributions between the shielding configuration20 and develop-branch docDB858



  1. Updated shielding design by Zuhal:
    1. Removed underneath of the beam-right target bunker increases the background in the new configuration
    2. Increased overlap between the inner and outer ring of collar 2
    3. Moving forward re-design the PS bunker and revert to the previous design for the target bunker
    4. With keeping the underneath of the target bunker
    5. Update MIT engineers on what US area simulation group changing: KK, Ciprian, and Zuhal will update the MIT group
  2. Comparison of the particle rate distributions between the shielding configuration20 and develop-branch: Zuhal
    1. Compared latest config-20 , Chandan's latest branch and develop for changes in the geometry
    2. Official name, with official z location for all the shielding elements going forward

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